Top 10 Most Expensive Houses in the World

A house is more than just an abode in modern times and has become a symbol of status. When talking of the most expensive houses in the world, Buckingham Palace stands at the number one position. Apart from this, there are several other houses that boast of luxurious features and amenities.

These houses are home to millionaires and billionaires and have become the epitome of luxury and grandeur. In this article, we have shared the top ten most expensive houses in the world along with their present value and features.

10. Xanadu 2.0 Washington DC

Xanadu 2.0, the official residence of Microsoft founder Bill Gates ranks at the 10th position of the most expensive houses in the world. The property spreads across 66,000 sq ft and reflects the design inspired by the pacific lodge style. The current worth of Xanadu 2.0, Washington, is USD 131 million.

While a home means comfort and security for us, for the more affluent section, it is about their status too. Hence, HNIs indulge in luxury and the taste of fine living. This curated list of the top expensive houses in the world is a testimony of the billionaire’s way of looking at lavish real estate.